The Data Protection Act 1998 has been replaced by the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.

This document outlines our legal responsibilities under GDPR and provides information about how the RA Charities will use (or “process”) personal data about individuals.

The principles of GDPR state that we should process your data: fairly; lawfully; in a transparent manner and: for specified and lawful purposes. We will ensure that the data we process is adequate, relevant and not excessive for the purpose or purposes for which it is held. We will not use the data we hold for any purpose other than that for which it was obtained unless we receive your consent. We will ensure that personal data is accurate and, where necessary, kept up-to-date.

How will we use your information when you give your data to RHQ RA and the
RA Charities and Funds or you sign up to a membership or subscription?

This leaflet explains why we ask for your personal information, how we store and use it and with whom we may share it and what your rights are. In order to meet their charitable objects and to support members and beneficiaries, the RA Charities need to process a range of personal data about individuals. Some of this activity will need to be carried out in order to fulfil legal duties or obligations. Other uses of personal data will be made in accordance with the charities’ legitimate interests, provided it does not involve special or sensitive types of data. We will only process special or sensitive personal data where your explicit consent has been obtained. We will also obtain your consent before contacting you directly regarding fundraising. We will use the information to contact you about charity and regimental events, process requests for welfare support and other related regimental activity. For those serving we will use the information to administer your Days Pay Giving and Adventurous Training Grant.

Why we ask for your personal information.
We want you to be part of our regimental family throughout your career and beyond. We want to be able to contact you about: regimental events and news; getting in touch with you should old friends be trying to contact you and; support you if you require welfare assistance. By consenting to us holding your RA Charities – Sep 2023 information we can administer any Royal Artillery related memberships and subscriptions, and you can be informed about forthcoming Gunner events. If you would like us to hold your information for these purposes, please complete the
attached form.

Who is your data shared with?
The data collected is shared within the RHQ RA and the organisations that fall under the Royal Artillery Charities and funds. These organisations are; The Royal Artillery Charitable Fund (210202), The Royal Artillery Institution (245882), The Royal Artillery Association (238197), Royal Artillery Benevolent Fund (210202-19), Royal Artillery General Charitable Trust (275558) and Central Sergeants’ Mess. All these organisations are there to support you and your dependants through your service and retirement and offer several events, publications and subscriptions
that might be of interest. If you do subscribe to a publication, your address details are given to the publishers in order to send you the publication. We have a strict agreement with the publishers about how they must treat your information and it is only held there until the publication is distributed.

How we store your information.
The personal information you consent to give us is stored on our customer relationship management database. This database is used by members of the RA RHQ and Royal Artillery Charities. This is a fully managed system and there are procedures and policies in place in order to keep your information protected from misuse in accordance with GDPR.

How long we keep your information for.
Your information is kept in accordance with MOD retention policy. If you have a subscription and pay us money every year we will retain your data as long as you continue to subscribe. If you cease subscribing, we will retain your data for 6 years. If you receive RACF welfare grants from us, we may hold your data indefinitely in order to retain a record of why that support was provided for
accounting purposes and to inform any decision about future support, should it be requested. We will not use this data for any other purpose without your permission. If you have consented for us to contact you about future events, then we will maintain your record until you withdraw consent.

Service Giving Scheme.
Being or having been part of the Service Giving Scheme entitles you to a host of support and financial grants. Regimental Funds support welfare/benevolence for serving and retired members of the Regiment, their relatives and dependants. It supports sport and adventurous training and other morale/efficiency activities.

Royal Artillery Charities
We aim to assist all serving and retired members of the Royal Regiment of Artillery and their dependants who are in need.

The Royal Artillery Association (RAA) exists to support serving and retired members of the Regiment and their dependants. It aims to foster comradeship with in the Regimental family and promotes the charitable work of the Royal Artillery Charitable Fund (RACF).

The Royal Artillery Charitable Fund exists to provide welfare support to serving and retired members of the regiment and their families. It also supports military efficiency, through sports and adventure training grants.

The Royal Artillery Institution (RAI) fosters professional development amongst the serving and retired personnel of the Royal Regiment of Artillery and their close colleagues in Defence and Industry.

Your rights.
You have the right to see the information that we hold on you at any time, by submitting a Subject Access Request (SAR), in writing, to Data Protection Manager (DPM) on the contact details below. You may also request to have your details deleted from the database at any time, again by contacting the DPM in writing.

Royal Artillery Charities
Artillery House
Royal Artillery Barracks